Portable Pocket Unzip
Zip Archiver
Pocket UnZip brings support for the popular Zip file format to the Windows CE platform (also runs on Windows NT/2000/XP/2003). Backed by the power of the Info-ZIP Group's source code, Pocket UnZip allows you to extract, test, and view files directly from any Zip file, even encrypted ones. For all you Windows CE web surfers, you can now finally download Zip files from the Internet and actually put them to good use. Pocket UnZip can also help you maximize your PC Card storage - just Zip up all your data files into a single compressed Zip file on your desktop computer and store it on a PC Card. Then use Pocket UnZip to view those files directly from the Zip file itself. Best of all, Pocket UnZip is totally free to use.
- Pocket Unzip Web site
- Freeware
- File Size: 227.07 KB